
Air motor with smooth output shaft

Reversible models

Power:150W - 800W
Speed Max: 19000 rpm
Torque Max: 80 Nm
Models with smooth output shaft
with key UNI 6604 form A:
Ø 6 mm for 15M;  Ø 10 mm for 20M and 28M
Ø 13 mm for MM;  Ø 14 mm for MN;
Ø 24 mm for MO

Air motor with smooth output shaft(Reversible)

Air motor with smooth output shaft with key UNI 6604 form A:
Ø 6 mm for 15M; Ø 10 mm for 20M and 28M; Ø 13 mm for MM; Ø 14 mm for MN; Ø 24 mm for MO
Series    Model Code Power
Speed at the max power
Torque at the max power
15M 15M1600R-D6 182911100 120           8300 0,15
15M440R-D6 182911400 120 2200 0,60
15M300R-D6 182911300 120 1490 0,75
15M220R-D6 182911200 120 1100 1,05
15M120R-D6 182912100 120 590 1.90
15M80R-D6 182912800 120 410 2,50
15M58R-D6 182912500 120 300 4,00*
20M 20M1650R-D10 183511100 160 9000 0,15
20M400R-D10 183511300 160 1950 0,80
20M250R-D10 183511200 160 1330 1,40
20M100R-D10 183512900 160 550 3,05
20M58R-D10 183512500 160 300 5,70*
28M 28M1300R-D10 185811100 210 6200 0,27
28M415R-D10 185811400 210 2075 0.85
28M345R-D10 185811300 210 1675 1,25
28M235R-D10 185811200 210 1230 1.8
28M190R-D10 185811110 210 855 2,3
28M110R-D10 185812100 210 500 3.9
28M90R-D10 185812900 210 410 4,7
28M70R-D10 185812700 210 330 6,2
28M40R-D10 185812400 210 190 11,50*
MM MM45R/2 E 185212401 240 210 10,5
MM32R/2 E 185212301 240 145 15,2
MM25R/2 E 185212201 240 105 20,9
MM13R/2 E 185213101 240 60 36,3
MM9R/2 E 185213901 240 32 45③
MM5R/2 E 185213501 240 22 45③
MN MN1500R 186210112 375 7500 0,5
MN450R 186211412 375 2250 1,6
MN250R 186211212 375 1250 2,8
MN170R 186211112 375 850 3,8
MN130R 186212112 375 650 5
MN80R 186212812 375 400 8,8
MN40R 186212412 375 200 16
MN28R 186212313 375 140 21
MN20R 186212212 375 100 28
MO MO1200R 187210102 645 6000 1,3
MO360R 187211302 645 1800 4,2
MO220R 187211202 645 1100 7,7
MO110R 187212102 645 550 14.3
MO70R 187212702 645 350 25
MO32R 187213302 645 160 48
MO20R 187213202 645 100 77

* The maximum torque permitted, for continuous use, is 4 Nm for 15M58R-D6, from 4 to 5 Nm for 20M58R-D10 and 8 Nm for 28M40R-D10
 ③The torque indicated is the maximum at which the motor can be used in order to guarantee the life endurance of the internal gears